The Democratization of Creativity

A Practical Guide to Generative A.I. for Advertisers

As the breadth and capability of AI solutions continues to grow, Director of Production and Partner at Camp+King, Garrett DeLorm, walks you through the basics of Artificial Intelligence, how to navigate and use some of these tools, and some predictions for the future of AI in advertising.

Check out the summary below and if you’re ready to immerse yourself in these topics, watch the full presentation in the video.

The Basics:

In easy-to-understand terms, we dive into Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Neural Networks, and how things have evolved into Generative AI.

Generative AI + Prompts

Tools like MidJourney, DALL-E, Runway, ChatGPT, etc. are examples of today’s Generative AI tools that can create new data (text/images/video/etc.) by working with the prompts we provide. Here we discuss the importance of good prompt writing and some common pitfalls.


In the video, we provide an overview of the legal landscape surrounding AI-generated content in advertising (risks, ownership, software indemnification, etc.), and share a list of protocols we use at Camp+King to communicate and manage the legal risks of using such tools.

Branded Examples

To illustrate how Generative AI can be used, we’ll share examples of work we’ve done for brands like RE/MAX and Papa Johns. These include things like image generation and speech synthesis models that have helped us create content that would have been impossible to produce.

The Future

Lastly, we share our predictions on where Generative AI is headed in the next few years, and some considerations as this world quickly evolves.

Garrett DeLorm is the Director of Production at Camp + King. In his 20+ year advertising career, he’s worked on some of the biggest brands in the world, and devoted himself to developing skills across every major production discipline. He’s proven that there’s no task too big or too small and welcomes a good challenge.